Your Brand is MADE for MORE


What do the most successful brands on Instagram have in common? The answer isn’t what you might think. It’s not millions of followers, trillions of comments, or a gazillion likes. 

What do these brands have in common? A STORY to tell.

You see, humans are hard-wired to want to tell, and be told, STORIES. Stories are what inspire us to keep going even when the weight of the world is on our shoulders.

And I know YOU have a story to tell too. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this page right now.



What do the most successful brands on Instagram have in common? The answer isn’t what you might think. It’s not millions of followers, trillions of comments, or a gazillion likes. 

What do these brands have in common? A STORY to tell.

You see, humans are hard-wired to want to tell, and be told, STORIES. Stories are what inspire us to keep going even when the weight of the world is on our shoulders.

And I know YOU have a story to tell too. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this page right now.

Let’s see if I can read your mind.

You’re an entrepreneur, and you:

Are desperately trying to share your story with the world – with no success – and you’re pulling your hair out wondering where you’re going wrong.

Know you need social media to survive, but you don’t know where to start.

Are putting in the work and have tested “every single strategy” on the internet, but you STILL can’t beat the algorithm.

Are AMPED at the idea of reaching your dream audience, but you don’t know how…

Are ready to create CONTENT that CONVERTS, without all the time or effort, so you can focus on sharing your story and delivering your incredible service.

Are willing to work to the bone, but you know you need to refocus your energy and efforts…

If you’ve been working day and night and are STILL sitting without the fruits of your labor on your plate...

it’s time to OVERHAUL your strategy and REBUILD your game plan from the ground up – but one thing will stay the same. Your STORY, which I’m ready to help you tell.

And it all begins inside my 1 on 1 COACHING PROGRAM!

My name is LACE

I am a natural-born storyteller – and guess what? So are you! MY story comes in the form of the MOST POWERFUL social media marketing strategy on the planet.

Yes, I’m THAT confident in it…

MY story is about helping my clients scale their businesses tenfold and turn their side hustles into full-time careers. I’m talking about pushing your businesses to mountaintops you’ve only seen in your wildest dreams where, in the mist at the top, your dream clients are waiting.

Hundreds of ‘em. THOUSANDS of ‘em.

Once you tell your story to the world, they’ll flock to you in the masses.

My name is LACE 

I am a natural-born storyteller – and guess what? So are you! MY story comes in the form of the MOST POWERFUL social media marketing strategy on the planet.

Yes, I’m THAT confident in it…

MY story is about helping my clients scale their businesses tenfold and turn their side hustles into full-time careers. I’m talking about pushing your businesses to mountaintops you’ve only seen in your wildest dreams where, in the mist at the top, your dream clients are waiting.

Hundreds of ‘em. THOUSANDS of ‘em.

Once you tell your story to the world, they’ll flock to you in the masses.

I’ll let you in on a secret...

There is psychology behind people’s desire to purchase, and I’ve spent YEARS in the trenches building my strategy, brick by brick, studying the ART and SCIENCE of sales and conversions.

Now, I’m Ready To Bolster Your Story By Sharing These Secrets With YOU.

This Is Your TIME To SHINE And Increase Your Follower Count On The Socials While Pushing Your Revenue To Heights That’ll Bury The Competition And Leave Them Quivering In Your Wake.

Don’t Believe Me? You Don’t Have To. But The Proof Is In The Results...

Christian showed me the techniques that helped my business grow in ways I never thought possible. I'm forever grateful and I trust him 100%
I PLACEd mY faith in HIS STRATEGY, AND That has made a world of difference in my company
I was overwhelmed with all the new technologies, but after speaking to Christian, he taught me the importance of strategy and i simply placed my faith in him, and that has made a world of difference in my company.
- Isabel
I transformed from an athlete to an athlete entrepreneur
I have been working with Christian throughout my college years. He has consistently been helping me build my brand. His social media techniques are efficient.
Roman Bravo Young
His techniques has helped me grow my business tremendously
Christian's marketing techniques has helped me grow my business tremendously, he is patient and has a good way of explaining things. I'm grateful to be working with Christian.
- Kuram


I urge you to check out the video on the next page to see how I’ve used my PROVEN strategy to help my clients tell their stories – no matter their industry. And I hope I’ll get the chance to do the same for you soon.


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